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Christmas is coming!

Gideon of the Cotswold Book Room and some town traders have kindly volunteered to organise this years Christmas Under The Edge event which will take place on Saturday 2nd December from 4pm. The event will start with a Christmas Parade up Long Street led by the Town Crier and Father Christmas. The format, stalls, and entertainment will be similar to last year, and there are lots that people can do to help and make it a great success:

  1. Be a community smallholder – lots of Wottons groups and societies use it as a fund raiser/awareness raiser.
  2. Volunteer to help with organising prior to the day.
  3. Volunteer directly or through one of the volunteer groups to help on the day – many hands make light work!
  4. Turn up and enjoy yourself! Lots of the towns shops will be open into the evening, and there will be plenty of music, food stalls, entertainment of all kinds, and a great boost to the festive season!

Even if you can only offer an hour, you will be greatly welcomed. Every task shared makes a positive difference and helps ensure that it is a successful event.

For more information, please email Gideon at christmasundertheedge@gmail.com

Improving Symn Lane Play Area

Some of the playground equipment in our play area next to Bluecoat School needs replacing and we need your help. We are setting up a small community working group and will be carrying out a fun consultation with children at the local schools and playgroups on their equipment preferences following which we will be fundraising and putting in bids for grants to help realise the childrens dreams.

Please email Cllr Teresa Creese tcreese@wotton-under-edge.com if you have skills in fundraising or would like to have more details.

Review of Wotton Youth Services

We are working with the National Youth Agency to review services to young people in the town. This Autumn, we will be carrying out a consultation with young people and organisations and groups that work with young people to find out their ideas. This will feed into the budget preparations and fundraising requirements for next year and will help with developing the contract for a new youth service provision in 2024. Further updates will be given in future Mayors Reports.

Join us to improve our town! 

We have a Town Councillor vacancy and would love you to be part of our team and help us make a positive difference. Whether it is using your passion and enthusiasm for local issues like saving our buses, helping our town to thrive, supporting local events and community groups, developing our youth services, or your own ideas, then you can make that happen as a Town Councillor. Full details are on our website: Become A Town Councillor | Wotton-under-Edge   

You are welcome to attend the monthly Town Council meetings or to contact the Town Clerk Clerk@wotton-under-edge.com Tel: 01453 843210

Cllr Martin Tucker
Mayor of Wotton Under Edge