About Carers Support Centre 

About Carers Support Centre 

Sharing is CaringDo you care for someone who could not manage without your support? If so, you are a carer. Caring can be rewarding but also very challenging, both mentally and physically. Whether you’re caring for a relative, partner or friend who is ill, frail,...
Relative Robustness

Relative Robustness

Sharing is CaringRelative Robustness. This is a term I coined a few years ago to explain why we need to exercise and eat well, and it applies to all of our long-term health and also our immediate well-being as we enter cold & flu season. As long as we are more...
Wotton Health Tips: What Do I Need?

Wotton Health Tips: What Do I Need?

Sharing is CaringWhat do I need? This is the most common question we are asked; physio, chiro or soft tissue therapy? It is a complex question and a little bit of history is quite illuminating. Osteopathy was invented first by Andrew Still in 1870s as a response to...
What is inflammation?

What is inflammation?

Sharing is CaringInflammation is generally considered to be your body’s response to illness or injury but inflammation runs deeper than this – to fully understand it let’s look at some causes of inflammation; diet (not necessarily certain foods as we all react...