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Linda Cohen of ‘Read With Me’ spoke passionately at the Gloucestershire Freemasons Charity Day recently about just what reading actually means.

It means access to education: 40% of pupils going on to secondary education have a reading age lower than it should be and this rises to 60% in areas of deprivation. After a term with ‘Read With Me’ volunteers every single one of a Year 7, Gloucester Academy cohort, had increased their reading age by at least two years. That also means a great leap forwards in their confidence and ability to take a full part in education.

Freemasons gave £315,000 in 2023 to local charities and social enterprise such as ‘Read With Me’, many of whom were at the Charity Day. In addition Gloucestershire Freemasons gave £338,000 to buy mobile scanners for Cheltenham, Gloucester and Southmead hospitals. All the money donated comes from the 2500 members themselves.

‘We are very grateful to the Gloucestershire Freemasons for their donation which will help us to continue making a major difference to not just the prospects of these children but to their lives in general.’ Said Linda Cohen, Founder of Read With Me.

Ian Davies, head of Gloucestershire’s 2500 Freemasons, said: “We are pleased to be able to help such a great charity to make such an enormous difference to so many children .”

To volunteer or donate go to www.readwithme.org.uk or email volunteer@readwithme.org.uk