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The Town Council has set its budgets for 2023/24 and is continuing to work on completing the following projects:

The Town Hall surveys, and planning application took a long time especially due to the impact of the pandemic, and then tragically the project manager suddenly died which caused a lengthy delay in retrieving documents from his estate and other contractors. We are now working with specialists and procuring a Project Manager and Quantity Surveyor to get the works tendered and completed.

The Old Town Toilets planning application was delayed due to the impact of the pandemic and the building regulations assessment. The Regulations changed during the assessment, and this is now being reviewed by the architect. Once completed, papers will be drawn up for the tender process.

The Symn Lane car park stalled due to the Winter weather and the developer has now stated that they will not be including the 12 parking bays above the bank. This is being dealt with by Stroud District Council as part of their planning process.

The youth club contract came to end, and the opportunity was taken to do a review of youth services. A consultation will be held with young people to hear their views which will feed into the new contract. In the meantime, we have contracted Play Gloucestershire to hold weekly activity sessions at Synwell Playing Fields.

If you have any queries, you are welcome to attend the monthly Town Council meetings or to contact the Town Clerk clerk@wotton-under-edge.com Tel: 01453 843210.