Sharing is Caring

Streamsfield is a little known area between Parklands and Adeys Lane. The land is owned by the Town Council but leased to the Recreational Trust.  The area has been minimally managed over the last few years and the Trust wants to improve the habitat and encourage quiet, informal access.  A group of volunteers has been formed who have created a Management Plan, supported by the Town Council, setting out proposals for both the immediate base line management of the site and also longer term options.

The footpath across the site is difficult and waterlogged at the lower end and, with the support of the Gloucestershire County Council, we are looking at solutions and funding options.

We are holding a Bioblitz on 22 June 2024 to get people involved and also to obtain Wotton’s views on how best to meet our objectives.  We will be carrying out wildlife and ecology surveys so that we fully understand how best to improve nature on the site between 8am and noon and organising a bat walk in the evening.  Everyone is welcome! Details are still being finalised but if you want more details please email