Sharing is Caring

We try to be inclusive in our publication and like to offer it to as many reader types as possible which is why the Wotton Directory is available both in print and digitally.

Many of our readers are elderly, isolated, not on social media, etc. and they tell us how they look forward to receiving the latest issue each month, not only because they quite often keep each issue until the next one arrives in case they need to contact an advertiser, but also because they enjoy reading the articles.

Below are a few facts about Jam Print, the Printer that we use:

  • They print using vegetable based inks
  • They use NO chemicals
  • Any paper wasted is recycled. For every pallet of FSC paper used, they replace native UK woodland.
  • They work with the Woodland Trust and have planted in excess of 1000 acres of Native UK Woodland over the last twelve months.
  • All the paper they buy is sustainably bought.

Some interesting myths and facts to consider courtesy of Love Paper :

  1. It is a myth that not using paper saves trees. It is a fact that, like crops for cereals, trees for paper are a sustainably managed, renewable resource.
  2. It is a myth that European forests are shrinking. It is a fact that European forests have been growing by over 1,500 football pitches every day.
  3. It is a myth that only recycled paper should be used. It is a fact that virgin fibres from sustainably managed forests are needed to maintain the paper cycle.
  4. It is a myth that paper is a wasteful product. It is a fact that paper is one of the most recycled products in the world. The European paper recycling rate is now 74% – the highest of any material. : European Paper Recycling Council, Monitoring Report, 2020.
  5. It is a myth that electronic communication is better for the environment than paper-based communication. It is a fact that electronic communication also has environmental impacts.
  6. It is a myth that digital is the preferred means of communication. It is a fact that many consumers value paper-based communication.
  7. 2021 research by Two Sides revealed that Brits still prefer to read in print. 37% say they prefer reading printed magazines to digital (18% stated no preference) and 33% say they prefer to read the news in print (12% stated no preference).

Of course, we could save a lot of money each month if we only produced a digital copy, but we are trying really hard to be of benefit to everyone in our community, but it is also very important to us that we dont do so at the detriment of the environment.

We are proud, as a small independent local business, to support many other local businesses who are trying to promote their business in the current difficult circumstances. We are also proud to be able to help promote many local community groups and charities. The best way we can do this is to provide our publication in print and online so that as many people as possible get the opportunity to read each issue, in their preferred way.

We understand that there will always be a small number of people who might not wish to receive a copy of our magazine through their letterbox each month, or who would prefer to read the digital issue only just give us a quick phone call or email us on  and we will be happy to remove your property from our distribution list for you.

#support #localbusiness #keepitlocal