“Everything heals”. Or does it? As we start to see the return of spring and the green shoots of renewal it is good to feel the familiar tingle of optimism.
The body is a self-healing machine, and we’ve all recovered from enough injuries in our lives to know this.
But what about pain? Funnily enough we are engineered to forget pain fairly easily – ask any woman with two children.
But we don’t forget trauma, grief, horror, loss, abuse, dislocation, sadness. And unfortunately, pain is often triggered by the proximity to or the memory of this trauma.
At Wotton Health we consider not just the mechanics of pain but your history, your expectations and your pain within the context of your life. Between our team we help you find your way to acceptance – and who knows, maybe even less pain.
There are so many factors which can contribute to persistent pain it often helps to have a guide or someone just to bounce ideas off. All of us at Wotton Health have different practices but we all understand pain and we are here to help you understand yours.
Get in touch to know more.
Wotton Health
01453 367144 or 07398 775890