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For over 40 years I was a passionate motorcyclist. During that time I rode all over Europe, including behind the iron curtain in East Germany and Hungary. Riding on the narrow rural roads of Gloucestershire, with blind corners, potholes, quarry gravel, agricultural mud, and high hedges (to name just a few of the hazards) was as challenging as anything I had encountered before.
The vulnerability of bikers is evidenced by their being over-represented in Gloucestershire road casualties, at 22% of all fatalities.   
Whilst the Cotswolds is the setting of 25% of all motorcyclist’s road casualties, the remaining 75% are evenly spread across the other districts, highlighting the vulnerability of bikers also in urban settings. 31 March is Easter Sunday and the day the clocks go forward. This is traditionally the start of motorcyclists’ riding season. In this month’s webinar we include advice on how to be more biker aware, and how to adjust to the challenges of driving in Spring.Our guest presenter is PC Shelley Holloway from the Constabulary’s Roads Policing Unit. She is also an advanced police motorcyclist.We look forward to seeing you on the 23rdNigel Lloyd-JonesCo-Lead Older Drivers Forum, Gloucestershire
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 Places are limited so if you register and then are unable to attendplease let us know.   Please share this invitation with anyone for whom this could be of value. If they are not comfortable with zoom why not host a viewing at your home or community facility.
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