It is all change for Wotton with the local elections on May 2nd 2024. By the time you read this, we will know the District Councillors who will be representing residents and businesses of Wotton.
Wotton needs you!
Due to the number of nominations for Town Councillor being less than the seats available, the following have been elected without contest in the local elections on May 2nd.
Your new Town Councillors from May 7th 2024 are: Roger Claydon, John Cordwell, Eve Coy, John Lewis, Paul Smith, Derek Thomas, and Jane Tyler.
This leaves 6 Town Councillor vacancies available for co-option without going through the formal local elections process. This means that you can apply direct to the Town Clerk with a brief statement on why you would like to be a Town Councillor which would be put forward to the next Town Council meeting on Monday 20th May 2024 at 7pm.
If you would like to know more then please contact the Town Clerk for an informal chat. Email:
Summer is a-coming in and with the Swifts returning so are events! Some dates for your diary:
Sunday 5th May: May Day Celebration with Town Hall Teas, Market Street 2pm to 5pm includes BBQ, Wotton Silver Band, Round the Edge Community Choir. Contact Janet Walshe of the Heritage Centre for more information
Sunday 26th May: Bolster Wotton! with Town Hall Teas, Market Street 2pm to 5pm. An opportunity to give your views on what you want for the town and to find out more about groups and organisations and volunteering
Thursday 6th June: D-Day 80th Commemoration. Come and hear the Town Crier give the Proclamation between 12noon and 12.30pm at St Mary’s Church; and the lighting of the Beacon on Wotton Hill at 9.15pm
Saturday 15th June: Wotton Pride Under The Edge. Wotton’s first ever Pride celebrations! A day of exciting events including a family mini-disco, The Keepers Café, Brunch, Bingo, and Dinner events, a film, Drag Night, and more, plus a Parade through the town at 1.30pm from the Library to the Chipping. For further information or to get involved, please email:
There are many other events during the Summer. Check out the action-packed programme at Under The Edge Arts and the Heritage Centre
Town Council Meetings
All Town Council and Planning Committee meetings are open to the public, and the Press and public are very welcome to attend and can put forward any comments, queries, or requests at these meetings. These are generally held every third and fourth Monday in the month respectively at 7pm in the Civic Centre. Come along and see democracy in action and how decisions affecting your lives are made.
Please contact the Town Clerk with any queries on email: or telephone 01453 843210
Cllr Martin Tucker
Mayor and Chairman of Wotton Under Edge Town Council